How did he proposed to you?

For Yael, the answer to this question made her the proudest, luckiest and happiest girl in the world.

The date May 29, 2016 have proved to be a very meaningful and emotional not only for our team at Central Vietnam Helicopters (VNH Central) but also more speacial to Jonathon and his girlfriend, Yael. The day marked a milestone in their relationship when he proposed while the helicopter EC-130T2 was descending at the Nuoc Man Heliport after their Da Nang scenic tour.

 Vietnam Helicopters Proposal after Da Nang Helitour

This was also a meaningful afternoon with the crew and staff VNH CENTRAL. Like many other tours that the company has flown throughout the year, the crew members and staff always promise to bring the most memorable experience to customers while staying in Da Nang. The flight for Jonothon and Yael was not an exception. The team from VNH CENTRAL illustrated their mission and values by giving Jonathon and Yael their most cherished moment of their lives.

  Vietnam Helicopters Proposal after Da Nang Helitour

Vietnam Helicopters Proposal after Da Nang Helitour

Congratulations to Yael and Jonothon happy engagement, and thank you for choosing our service.


For detailed information, please contact:

Heliport phone number: +84 511 391 3199

Hotline: +84 90 468 1991



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